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Version: 3.6.0

Supported Languages

In the table bellow, you will find the list of languages and their respective language tags supported by the Phonexia 6th Gen Speech to Text and Enhanced Speech to Text Built on Whisper.


To see, how language tags are created, visit this documentation page, which outlines the international standard utilized to establish consistent guidelines for language tagging.

Language NamePhonexia 6th Gen CodeBuilt on Whisper V2 CodeBuilt on Whisper V3 CodeLanguage Description
AfrikaansafafOfficial language of South Africa, also spoken in Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe
ArabicararGeneral Arabic, this includes dialects as well as Modern Standard Arabic spoken in most countries of the Arab World
Arabic (Gulf)ar-KWArabic variety as spoken in Kuwait, also spoken in Bahrain, Al Hasa, Qatif, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Southern Iraq, and Northern Oman
Arabic (Levantine)ar-XLArabic variety spoken in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Israel, and Turkey
ArmenianhyhyOfficial language of Armenia
AzerbaijaniazazOfficial language of Azerbaijan
BasqueeuOfficial language of Basque Country (Spain)
BelarusianbebeOfficial language of Belarus
BengalibnbnOfficial language in Bangladesh and India
BosnianbsbsBosnian variety of Serbocroatian language, official language of Bosnia
BulgarianbgbgOfficial language of Bulgaria
CantoneseyueOfficial language of Hong Kong and Macau (China), spoken in southeastern China
CatalancacaOfficial language of Catalunya (Spain)
Chinese (Mandarin)zh-CNzhzhSimplified Chinese also known as Mandarin, official language of People's Republic of China
Croatianhr-HRhrhrCroatian variety of Serbocroatian language, official language of Croatia
Czechcs-CZcscsOfficial language of Czech Republic
DanishdadaOfficial language of Denmark, also spoken in Greenland
DutchnlnlnlOfficial language in Netherlands and Belgium
Englishen-USenenen-US = English as spoken in United States, en = general English
EstonianetetOfficial language of Estonia
FinnishfifiOfficial language of Finland
Frenchfr-FRfrfrfr-FR = French as spoken in France, fr = general French, language most widely spoken (and official) in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada
GalicianglglOfficial language in Galicia (Spain)
Georgianka-GEOfficial language of Georgia
Germande-DEdedede-DE = German as spoken in Germany, de = general German, official language in Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein and Switzerland
GreekelelOfficial language of Greece
GujaratiguOfficial language in Gujarat (India)
HebrewheheOfficial language of Israel
HindihihiOfficial language in India
Hungarianhu-HUhuhuOfficial language of Hungary
IcelandicisisOfficial language of Iceland
IndonesianididOfficial language of Indonesia
Italianit-ITititOfficial language of Italy, Switzerland, Vatican City and San Marino
JapanesejajaOfficial language of Japan
KannadaknknOfficial language in Karnataka (India)
Kazakhkk-KZkkkkOfficial language of Kazakhstan
KoreankokoOfficial language in South and North Korea
LatvianlvlvOfficial language of Latvia
LithuanianltltOfficial language in Lithuania
MacedonianmkmkOfficial language in North Macedonia
MalaymsmsOfficial language of Malaysia
MarathimrmrOfficial language in Maharashtra and Goa (India)
MāorimimiOfficial language in New Zealand
NepalineneOfficial language in Nepal and India, also spoken in Bhutan
NorwegiannonoOfficial language of Norway
NynorsknnOfficial language of Norway
PashtopsOfficial language in Afghanistan, spoken in Pakistan
PersianfafafaOfficial language of Iran and Afghanistan (known as Dari)
Polishpl-PLplplOfficial language of Poland
PortugueseptptLanguage most widely spoken (and official) in Brazil, Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Angola
PunjabipaOfficial language in some regions of Pakistan and India
RomanianroroOfficial language of Romania
Russianru-RUruruOfficial language of Russia, most widely spoken in Russia
Serbiansr-RSsrsrSerbian variety of Serbocroatian language, official language of Serbia
Slovaksk-SKskskOfficial language of Slovakia
SlovenianslslOfficial language of Slovenia
SpanishesesesOfficial language of Spain, most countries of Central America and South America, also spoken in US
SwahiliswswOfficial language in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, DR Congo, Rwanda, also spoken in Burundi and Mozambique
Swedishsv-SEsvsvOfficial language of Sweden
TagalogtltlOfficial language of Philippines, also known as “Filipino”
TamiltataOfficial language in India, Sri Lanka and Singapore
TeluguteOfficial language in several states of India
ThaiththOfficial language of Thailand
Turkishtr-TRtrtrOfficial language of Turkey
Ukrainianuk-UAukukOfficial language of Ukraine
UrduururOfficial language in Pakistan and several states of India
Vietnamesevi-VNviviOfficial language of Vietnam
WelshcycyMinority language in Wales (United Kingdom)

Click here to see what languages are supported by our Language Identification technology.