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Version: 3.6.0

Supported Languages

In the table bellow, you will find the list of languages and their respective language tags supported by the newest Phonexia Language Identification technology XL5.


To see, how language tags are created, visit this documentation page, which outlines the international standard utilized to establish consistent guidelines for language tagging.

Language NameLanguage CodeLanguage Description
Abkhazab-GEOfficial language in the region of Abkhazia (Georgia).
AfrikaansafOfficial language of South Africa, also spoken in Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Albaniansq-ALOfficial language of Albania
Amharicam-ETOfficial language of Ethiopia
Arabic (Egypt)ar-EGArabic dialect spoken in Egypt
Arabic (Gulf)ar-KWArabic dialect as spoken in Kuwait, also spoken in Bahrain, Al Hasa, Qatif, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Southern Iraq, and Northern Oman
Arabic (Iraq)ar-IQArabic dialect as spoken in Iraq, also spoken in Syria, Turkey, Iran, Kuwait, Jordan, parts of northern and eastern Arabia
Arabic (Levantine)ar-XLArabic dialect spoken in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Israel, and Turkey
Arabic (Maghrebi)ar-MAArabic dialect spoken in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Western Sahara, Mauritania
Arabic (MSA)arbModern Standard Arabic, official language in most countries of the Arab world
Arabic (Oman)ar-OMArabic dialect spoken in Oman
Arabic (Saudi)ar-SAArabic dialect spoken in Saudi Arabia
Arabic (Tunisia)ar-TNArabic dialect spoken in Tunisia
Arabic (Yemen)ar-YEArabic dialect spoken in Yemen
Armenianhy-AMOfficial language of Armenia
Assameseas-INOfficial language of the Indian state of Assam
Asturianast-ESMinority language spoken in Spain
Azerbaijaniaz-AZOfficial language of Azerbaijan
Bashkirba-RUOfficial language of Bashkortostan (Russia)
BasqueeuOfficial language of Basque Country (Spain)
BengalibnOfficial language in Bangladesh and India
Belarusianbe-BYOfficial language of Belarus
Bretonbr-FRMinority language in France
Bulgarianbg-BGOfficial language of Bulgaria
Burmesemy-MMOfficial language of Myanmar
Cantonesezh-HKOfficial language of Hong Kong and Macau (China), spoken in southeastern China
Cape Verdean Creolekea-CVSecond language of Cape Verde
Catalanca-ESOfficial language of Catalunya (Spain)
Cebuanoceb-PHLanguage spoken in central and southern Philippines
Chewany-MWOfficial language in Malawi, also spoken in Mozambique and Zambia
Chinese (Mandarin)zh-CNOfficial language of China, spoken in northern and southwestern China
Chinese (Min)min-CNLanguage spoken in certain parts of southern and eastern China
Chinese (Wu)wuu-CNLanguage spoken in China, mainly city of Shanghai, Zhejiang province, Jiangsu province
Chuvashcv-RUOfficial language in Chuvash Republic in Russia
Czechcs-CZOfficial language of Czech Republic
Danishda-DKOfficial language of Denmark, also spoken in Greenland
Dholuoluo-KEMinority language spoken in Kenya
DutchnlOfficial language in Netherlands and Belgium
English (Australia)en-AUEnglish variety spoken in Australia
English (India)en-INEnglish variety spoken in India
English (US)en-USEnglish variety as spoken in USA, official language of USA
English (UK)en-GBEnglish variety spoken in United Kingdom, official language of UK
Estonianet-EEOfficial language of Estonia
FaroesefoOfficial language in Faroe Islands, also spoken in Denmark
Finnishfi-FIOfficial language of Finland
FrenchfrLanguage most widely spoken (and official) in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada
Galiciangl-ESOfficial language in Galicia (Spain)
Georgianka-GEOfficial language of Georgia
GermandeOfficial language in Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein and Switzerland
Greekel-GROfficial language of Greece
GuaranignOfficial language of Paraguay, Bolivia and specific regions of Brazil and Argentina
Gujaratigu-INOfficial language in Gujarat (India)
Haitian Creoleht-HTOfficial language of Haiti, French-based creole language
HausahaOfficial language in Niger, Nigeria and Ghana, also spoken in Chad, Cameroon, Benin, Togo, Ivory coast, Sudan
Hawaiianhaw-USOfficial language in Hawaii (USA)
Hebrewhe-ILOfficial language of Israel
Hindihi-INOfficial language in India
Hungarianhu-HUOfficial language of Hungary
Icelandicis-ISOfficial language of Iceland
Igboig-NGOfficial language of Nigeria, also spoken in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea
Indonesianid-IDOfficial language of Indonesia
Irishga-IEOfficial language of Ireland and Northern Ireland (UK)
Italianit-ITOfficial language Italy, Switzerland, Vatican City and San Marino
Japaneseja-JPOfficial language of Japan
Javanesejv-IDOfficial language in Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
Kambakam-KEMinority language of Kenya
Kannadakn-INOfficial language in Karnataka (India)
Kazakhkk-KZOfficial language of Kazakhstan
Khmerkm-KHOfficial language of Cambodia
Kirundirn-BIOfficial language of Burundi (also called Kirundi)
Koreanko-KRKorean variety spoken in South Korea, official language of South Korea
KurdishkuOfficial language in Iraq, also spoken in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey
Kyrgyzky-KGOfficial language of Kyrgyzstan, as spoken in China
Laolo-LAOfficial language of Laos, spoken in Thailand
Latvianlv-LVOfficial language of Latvia
LingalalnOfficial language in Congo
Lithuanianlt-LTOfficial language in Lithuania
Lugandalg-UGLanguage in Uganda
Luxembourgishlb-LUOfficial language in Luxembourg
Macedonianmk-MKOfficial language in North Macedonia
Malayms-MYOfficial language of Malaysia
Malayalamml-INOfficial language in several regions of India
Malgasymg-MGOfficial language of Madagascar
Maltesemt-MTOfficial language of Malta
Māorimi-NZOfficial language in New Zealand
Marathimr-INOfficial language in Maharashtra and Goa (India)
Mongolianmn-MNOfficial language in Mongolia and China
Ndebele (North)nd-ZWNdebele variety spoken in Zimbabwe, official language of Zimbabwe
Ndebele (South)nr-ZANdebele variety spoken in South Africa, official language of South Africa
Nepaline-NPOfficial language in Nepal and India, also spoken in Bhutan
Norwegianno-NOOfficial language of Norway
Occitanoc-FRMinority language in France
Odiaor-INOfficial language in Odisha (India)
Oromoom-ETLanguage spoken in Ethiopia and Kenya, official language in Oromia region of Ethiopia
PunjabipaOfficial language in some regions of Pakistan and India
PashtopsOfficial language in Afghanistan, spoken in Pakistan
PersianfaOfficial language of Iran and Afghanistan (known as Dari)
Polishpl-PLOfficial language of Poland
PortugueseptLanguage most widely spoken (and official) in Brazil, Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Angola
Romanianro-ROOfficial language of Romania
Russianru-RUOfficial language of Russia, most widely spoken in Russia
SerbocroatianhbsOfficial language of Serbia (as Serbian), Croatia (as Croatian), Bosnia and Herzegovina (as Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian) and Montenegro (as Montenegrin)
ShonasnOfficial language in Zimbabwe, spoken in Mozambique
SindhisdOfficial language in Sindh (Pakistan) and India
Sinhalasi-LKOfficial language of Sri Lanka
Slovaksk-SKOfficial language of Slovakia
Sloveniansl-SIOfficial language of Slovenia
SomalisoOfficial language in Somalia and Djibouti, also spoken in Ethiopia and Kenya
Sothost-ZAOfficial language in South Africa
Spanish (American)es-XASpanish varieties spoken in USA, official in most countries of Central America and South America
Spanish (Spain)es-ESSpanish variety official in Spain
Sundanesesu-IDLanguage spoken in Java (Indonesia)
SwahiliswOfficial language in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, DR Congo, Rwanda, also spoken in Burundi and Mozambique
Swaziss-ZAOfficial language in South Africa
Swedishsv-SEOfficial language of Sweden
Tagalogtl-PHOfficial language of Philippines, also known as “Filipino”
TajiktgTajiki variety of Persian, official language of Tajikistan
TamiltaOfficial language in India, Sri Lanka and Singapore
TatarttOfficial language in Tatarstan (Russia)
Telugute-INOfficial language in several states of India
Thaith-THOfficial language of Thailand
TibetanboOfficial language in India, Nepal and Tibet (Western China)
TigrinyatiOfficial language in Eritrea and Ethiopia
Tok Pisintpi-PGOfficial language in Papua New Guinea, English-based creole language
Tsongats-ZAOfficial language in South Africa and Zimbabwe
Tswanatn-ZAVariety of tswana as spoken in South Africa, official language of South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe, also spoken in Namibia
Turkishtr-TROfficial language of Turkey
TurkmentkOfficial language of Turkmenistan, also spoken in Iran and Afghanistan
Ukrainianuk-UAOfficial language of Ukraine
Umbunduumb-AOOfficial language of Angola
UrduurOfficial language in Pakistan and several states of India
Uzbekuz-UZOfficial language of Uzbekistan, spoken in its neighboring areas of Tajikistan, Russia, Afghanistan, Kyrgysztan and Kazakhstan
Vendave-ZAOfficial language in South Africa and Zimbabwe
Vietnamesevi-VNOfficial language of Vietnam
Welshcy-GBMinority language in United Kingdom
WolofwoMinority language of Senegal, Mauritania and Gambia
Xhosaxh-ZAOfficial language of South Africa, Zimbabwe, also spoken in Botswana
YiddishyiMinority language spoken in Israel, United States and several European countries
YorubayoOfficial language in Nigeria, also spoken in Benin and Togo
ZuluzuOfficial language in South Africa, spoken in Lesotho and Eswatini

Click here to see what languages are supported by our Speech to Text.