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Quick Start Guide

Follow these steps to use Phonexia Voice Inspector:

  1. Download the latest version of Voice Inspector here.
  2. Unpack the downloaded ZIP archive.
  3. Obtain a license from Phonexia.
    • The license file should always be named license.dat.
    • A NET license requires an internet connection to communicate with the Phonexia license server.
    • A USB dongle license does not need internet access.
  4. Copy the license to the application’s root directory.
    • Place the license.dat file next to VoiceInspector (Linux) or VoiceInspector.exe (Windows).
  5. Run the Application.
    • Start the application by running VoiceInspector (Linux) or VoiceInspector.exe (Windows).

For further assistance:

  • Press F1 or go to Help > User Guide in the main menu.
  • You can also refer to the VIN-manual.pdf in the application's root directory.

For a more detailed description of the basic functionalities of Phonexia Voice Inspector (evaluation of results, typical use cases, population sets, etc.), we recommend you to go through the video.