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Voiceprint Comparison: start task



Start voiceprint comparison task for two voiceprint sets.

The voiceprint sets are provided in voiceprints_a and voiceprints_b parameters. Size of each set is completely arbitrary, provided that there is at least one voiceprint in each set.

Each voiceprint is expected to be in a string form, encoded in Base64.

How voiceprint comparison request is arranged

See Voiceprint comparison task result documentation for details on how the result is arranged.

Request consists of two voiceprint sets arranged as columns and rows headers of resulting score matrix.

As a result all voiceprints from columns set will be compared to all voiceprints in rows set. Resulting scores will be filled in a matrix of (sizeof(voiceprints_a), sizeof(voiceprints_b)) dimensions.

For example, the following input:

"voiceprints_a": ["vp_a_1", "vp_a_2", "vp_a_3"],
"voiceprints_b": ["vp_b_1", "vp_b_2", "vp_b_3"]

encodes the following empty voiceprint comparison score input matrix:

voiceprints_a set
voiceprints_b setvp_b_1

Voiceprint comparison technology will then fill in the empty cells with scores.


Header Parameters

    x-correlation-id X-Correlation-Id

    Correlation ID is a special type of request ID which is unique over a series of requests and responses, identifying a transaction in a distributed system. Correlation ID will be generated if not provided.

    x-request-id X-Request-Id

    In distributed system architecture (microservices architecture) it is a unique ID of request and response combination throughout all components of a distributed system. Request ID will be generated if not provided.



    voiceprints_a base64[]required

    Possible values: >= 1, <= 50000

    Set A of base64 encoded voiceprints to compare.

    voiceprints_b base64[]required

    Possible values: >= 1, <= 50000

    Set B of base64 encoded voiceprints to compare.


Voiceprint comparison task was accepted. Follow the X-Location header to poll for the task state.

Response Headers

  • X-Location


    Example: /api/technology/speaker-identification-voiceprint-comparison/651f10f1-3025-41e7-ad4f-d4ae385c8b7d

    A URL the client should poll for task state and result.





    task_id uuidrequired
    state TaskInfoState (string)required

    Possible values: [pending, running, rejected, failed, done]
