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Time Analysis: start task



Start a Time Analysis task for a media file.

Time Analysis features

  • Multi-channel audio files are supported.
  • At most, two channels can be processed at a time; if you wish to run Time Analysis for media files with more than two channels, use the channels parameter to select the two you want to analyze.


Query Parameters

    channels Channels

    A string of integers separated by comma (without spaces), representing the channels that should be kept during conversion. If specified, only the channels with the specified indices will be processed, and others will be ignored. If empty, all channels in the audio data will be processed. Note that channels is 0-based.

Header Parameters

    x-correlation-id X-Correlation-Id

    Correlation ID is a special type of request ID which is unique over a series of requests and responses, identifying a transaction in a distributed system. Correlation ID will be generated if not provided.

    x-request-id X-Request-Id

    In distributed system architecture (microservices architecture) it is a unique ID of request and response combination throughout all components of a distributed system. Request ID will be generated if not provided.



    file binaryrequired

    Input media file.


Time Analysis task has been accepted. Follow the X-Location header to poll for the task state.

Response Headers

  • X-Location


    Example: /api/technology/time-analysis/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000

    A URL the client should poll for task state and result.





    task_id uuidrequired
    state TaskInfoState (string)required

    Possible values: [pending, running, rejected, failed, done]
